Friday, December 21, 2018

Choose an International School

An international school is a school that uses an international curriculum. Schools with an international curriculum such as Binus International School, Swiss German University, Global Jaya, Global Mandiri, and many more. These international schools must have government accreditation to see the quality and whether the applied curriculum is in accordance with the rules.
Here are some of the advantages of international schools that you need to know:

Concerning the Process and Activity of Children

When you send your child to an international school, the child will be assessed from the learning process, not from the results. In addition, the school also accommodates the needs of different individuals. This is very good because in education the most important is the process not the end result. Another advantage, international schools have teaching methods that are not rigid. Non-memorizing learning encourages children to be proactive, has good leadership, creativity, and communication skills so that it becomes a selling point that attracts many parents.

Children’s Needs Fulfilled

Most international schools are able to accommodate the needs of each child. Children can choose for themselves what activities to do. This is done so that children can learn according to their interests and abilities. In international schools, children are more likely to express themselves. This is because international schools tend to give more freedom to children. In addition, according to psychologist Jacinta F. Rini, Msi, quoted from international schools prepare their students to have “international” personalities and insights equivalent to children in other parts of the world.

Using International Curriculum

International schools use the international curriculum in their education process. The curriculum is used such as the International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge, IPC, Montessori, and many more. Based on the international curriculum, all teaching materials will be delivered in English. Many parents expect their children to be better at using English after attending international schools. The international curriculum must have accreditation (minimum A) from one of the countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) or a developed country, meaning that it is the same standard as that country or internationally recognized. For example, Jakarta International School.

Good facilities

In general international schools have excellent facilities. For issues of facility quality, international schools cannot be doubted.
Here are some shortcomings of international schools that you need to know:

Relative Costs are more expensive

To include children in your international school requires a significant amount of money. You also need to prepare a long-term plan that is mature because the costs required are relatively expensive. You have to calculate this fee until the child finishes school.

Not contextual

The teaching material of these foreign schools is their orientation abroad, so that they sometimes lose local taste or not according to the local context. For example, in the Cambridge International curriculum, for Geography lessons it is not Geography in Indonesia that is studied, but in England. As a result, students become unfamiliar with their own country. And, not even a few are not fluent in Indonesian because they use foreign languages ​​everyday at school.

Not Compatible with Local Education

Children are indeed required to be more creative and process-oriented than results when using an international curriculum. But, there are other impacts from the international curriculum that you need to know. Among other things, it is not compatible with local education, making it difficult for you to move children to national schools if they were originally from international schools.
 For more information please explore website Top International Schools In Indonesia

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Top Features to Look for in an International School

When searching for an international school, it can be of great help if you use the power of the internet to help you with your quest. After all, you cannot just enroll your child to the first international school you see or hear about.

Check out the following key points you have to consider when looking for prospect international schools.

Basis of Student Assessment and Type of Curriculum Offered
During your search for an international school, it is important to know first the curriculum followed by the school. Schools all over the world have their own unique approaches to this. Most of the time, the school’s curriculum matches with the specific country it is in, but with a few local features added. For example, the curriculum of Thailand may match that of Singapore yet the local culture classes will also be featured. It is up to school’s discretion to develop their own curriculum based on different styles and aspects.

There are also several ways for student assessment in different schools. There are teachers who believe in the need to regularly check the student’s progress. It then helps them come up with methods to help students become better in various areas. There are also schools that don’t share their assessment methods and results. It should serve as a warning sign for parents.

Being accredited by reliable international agencies is always a good sign for a school. The process of accreditation is quite important as this lays out a comprehensive analysis of whether the school does what it claims to do, and often, a team of qualified inspectors personally check and visit the school.

Teaching Staff
A well-maintained and attractive campus must never be the only incentives for choosing an international school. Trained and well-qualified teachers play a vital part in shaping the students. You can learn more about the teaching staff in the official school websites. Schools usually have a photo gallery on their sites with the details and photos of the teachers.

There are also schools that add other details like experience and qualifications. There are some schools that offer little to no information regarding their teaching staff. Before making your final decision, see to it that you have complete details about the school’s teaching staff as well as their retention.

Governing of School
Most international schools are under private ownership, often by people who have little to no experience on organization and maintenance of a school. There are a lot of schools that don’t have a board of directors or governing body. A government body can be found in reputable schools. Again, the school websites are the best place to check to know more about the governing body. If this is not provided, you can also inquire about it to the administration.

Resources and Facilities
Finally, when searching for an international school, it is crucial o know whether or not the school has enough facilities and resources to help the students. Reasonably sized and not suffocative classes, knowledgeable and helpful teachers, and sufficient teaching resources are important to ensure that students will have a wonderful learning experience. Extra facilities like playing fields, multipurpose theater, and swimming pool also help make school life more fun.

For more information please go and visit here Intercultural School in Indonesia

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Reasons Parent Should Enrol Their Children to Singapore Intercultural School

1. Multi Languages

Language is a communication tool used in everyday life, having language skills from various countries. Will give children better intelligence including in the form of problem analysis and have the same opportunity to have a career in the international world. Well-mastered foreign languages are the best way to be able to get quality life through the continents.

2. Education System More Effective

International schools usually have a more effective learning system, instead students are invited to hunt for academic achievements. Children are equipped with the knowledge to be able to measure their own abilities in the world of education. So that children are more skilled to know what their expertise and have a way to develop it. The learning hours at school are also generally shorter, so the energy and ability to think remains fresh. There is also no test for graduation whose value is determined but more so for children to see their own values according to their abilities.

3. Professional Teacher & Staff

Schools that implement an international standard system are also generally more selective in choosing the school’s human resources. Not only from the quality of the staff in the school but also the instructors must have the expected basic competencies. This condition allows children to get more quality knowledge from qualified teachers. Although the cost of education in international school is more expensive, but it is apppropiate with the quality of education provided.
For more information please go here

Monday, December 10, 2018

Accreditation of International School is Required

The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) assign schools for the Cooperation Education Unit or international schools to join the accreditation. The status of accreditation is a guarantee for the community of the quality of the school.
Moreover, most schools with international labels put high prices on their students. So far there are no rules that require international schools to conduct accreditation.
Along with the change in labeling of international schools into SPK (Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama), new regulations were issued so that SPK education providers followed the accreditation process. Secretary of the Directorate General (Sesdirjen) of Primary and Secondary Education (Dikdasmen) of the Ministry of Education and Culture Thamrin Kasman said, the Ministry of Education and Culture’s guidance on SPK began with teachers, infrastructure advice, but the most crucial was the matter of accreditation.
He explained, so far there had been no SPK that had been accredited because the regulations on SPK were also new. However, at this time the SPK was asked to follow the accreditation process as a requirement for SPK to be recognized by the public. At present there are 503 SPK schools.
Every year the Ministry of Education and Culture is always monitoring to see whether the components of the SPK requirements have been met by schools. However, for the matter of accreditation, he asked the SPK to directly consult BAN-SM which is an independent institution so that information about accreditation can be accurate.
Ministry of Education and Culture only prepares the process. “In addition, the SPK must also consult with the regional government,” he said during the School Management Seminar in Jakarta. It is known, the Cooperation Education Unit (SPK) is a change of status from an international school that is organized or managed on the basis of implementation cooperation, or management between foreign educational institutions and Indonesian educational institutions on formal or non-formal channels.
Eduspec Education Observer Indra Charismiadji explained that the problem of this SPK which numbered 503 schools was one of them was due to the limited number of Ministry of Education and Culture staff overseeing. On the other hand, SPK is also heavily interfered with by the education office.
“So the path is not clear. “This SPK regulation is under the Ministry of Education and Culture, but now the education office goes into it,” he said. He argued, the Ministry of Education and Culture should have a special team to manage this school. Because, the effect is now, many SPK whose quality is not clear because there is no strict supervision.
In addition, Indra also strongly agreed that there was accreditation for SPK so that the public would know which SPK quality was. If there is no accreditation, it will be very dangerous for the community if they are trapped in paying for SPK schools which are expensive but in fact not good.
For more information please track here

Friday, November 30, 2018

The Fact of International School

  1. Bilingual schools are not the same as international schools
Parent hope to their children is they can speak more than two languages. You need to know that schools that have a bilingual or bilingual base are not always international schools.
The language of instruction and everyday in international schools is English, but international schools are called international schools because they have an official license from international curriculum standards.
Cambridge International Examination or CIE and the International Baccalaureate are two of the international curriculum that are mostly used mainly by international schools in Indonesia.
  1. International school students also pass the National Examination
Don’t think if school in an international school when going to graduate or go up to the next level just passes an international standard test or national standard. Students must at least take two exams.
  1. International schools have small subjects
If in Indonesia, national schools only offer science, social studies, language and vocational schools with subjects that have been determined, in contrast to international-based schools.
In the IB curriculum, students only have to choose 6 subjects while in CIE students only have to choose 3 subjects. The difference is if the national curriculum provides a comprehensive curriculum, while the international curriculum makes students more focused and in-depth on a field they like.
So, don’t be surprised if you ask and come directly to international schools because it can be said to be very different from national schools.
  1. International schools are generally not too formal
If national schools are required to wear uniforms that are very complete and the same as every student, then international schools make it more loose. In a sense, they do not use the same attribute from toe to head. International schools also wear uniforms, only usually in the form of polo tops and leather pants.
Even in class they don’t sit in rows so they can see and hear their teacher speak in front like in a national school. Freely international school students arrange their seats.
This is done so that one student with other students is able to exchange ideas and ideas. Teachers only supervise and provide direction. The teachers usually allow their students to find their own answers from discussions between friends.
  1. International schools use a different curriculum with the national curriculum
It may indeed be obvious if international schools do use the international curriculum too. However, it does not mean that if you use an international curriculum, the lessons provided will be far different from the national curriculum. Generally only the teaching and learning methods are slightly different.
For more information please click it here

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Know About International School

Many parents choose to register their children in bona fide schools, popular (favorite), and elite class. In fact, parents have a tendency to choose international standard schools with the aim that their children get better quality education.
Various choises of international schools, from the consideration of curriculum, environment, and prestige. This condition triggered the establish of international schools in several cities in Indonesia.
Vorious curriculum are also applied by several international standard schools, both based on religion and general knowledge. However, basically the mean of international schools are as follows:
An International Standard School is a School that has comply all SNPs (Standar Nasional Pendidikan) and is enriched by referring to the education standards of one OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) member country and / or other developed countries which are considered to have certain advantages in the education sector so that students and graduates have competitiveness in international forums.
The OECD located in Paris – France, is an international organization to help the governments of its countries face the challenges of economic globalization. Currently there are 30 OECD member countries, namely: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand , Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States.