Friday, February 25, 2022

Common Trends Seen Across International Schools

International schools exist to serve the needs of expats and their children. This means that when it comes to choosing curriculum, hiring teachers, designing campus facilities and more, international schools need to be sensitive to the different needs and expectations of families from around the world. While international schools are a diverse bunch, there are some common trends worth highlighting as you begin your research.

·         The Schools are Going Paperless

The trend for international schools to go paperless is growing. In the past, this has been a major challenge for school leaders, due to the variety of systems used by different departments throughout a school. However, now schools are beginning to adapt these systems and make one centralized platform.

·         Emphasis on Soft Skills

Two trends that are becoming the norm, but which came into focus particularly clearly at this year's show, are the emphasis on "soft skills" and the importance of experiential learning. Every international school now seems to put more emphasis on experimental learning and development of soft skills among the learners.

·         More Local Students In International Schools

Years back, international schools were mainly dominated by students from other countries. This is no longer the case because the numbers of local students being enrolled in international schools across the world have significantly been increasing. Today, most international schools are dominated by local students.

·         Growth in Popularity

There is no doubt that the popularity of international schools as a choice for education around the world has been on the rise. For many families, it is simply a matter of considering the options and deciding which school will best meet their child's needs.

·         Increased Number of International Schools

Over the last two decades there has been a dramatic increase in the number of international schools across the globe. In fact, according to the IBM Global Education Trend Report, the number of international schools increased by an average of 8% per year from 2000-2010. Unfortunately, many of these growth trends are not positive.

As a rule of thumb, parents should consider several factors when researching and selecting a school. For example, families should determine if their primary language is English. This way they can avoid a language barrier at the institution. They should also look into things like tuition and class sizes. It is important to mention that class sizes in international schools usually vary from institution to institution and can range from 15 to 25 students per class.

For more information please visit international private schools

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